Sunday, June 13, 2021

Physiology, Mentality and Progress-

How do you mix it up after  Decade?

How do your return to where it all began...yet as a new person?  Everything so similar, yet so new.

How do you balance time for work, time for life, time for passion and time for the passions of others?

Can you be a top MUT Runner with a focus on bikes? and vice versa?

Feb- Vert focus- Mostly running- Continue strength and plyo- snowshoe run and Nordic as conditions allow- Form training plan around what Nature offers- Consistent Quality

March- continue strength- Begin VO2max devo w run and Gravel bike (or MTB dirt road rides)

Underground Endurance tactics-

- Respirate for circulation and anxiety reduction- Beets, Ginger and Choco protein

- Cold therapy- Time outdoors

- The 100 effect- Special Motivation for the 100th anniversary of the discovery of insulin

with Support from Omer and Bobs, Village Sports NH, Team AMP active and Julbo eyewear

April- Begin MTB specific Endurance and short VO2- Strength endurance
    -Gravel rides-EZ Rail trail rides- VO2 1 Bike/1 Run wk [Every other week DH intervals]

May- Secret Squirrel MTB  MA
Offroad Du National Champs??

Update:  Raced the First race of the summer series in the MWV-

GG Summer series Race Data

Good sensations and a dusty, challenging Course- Need to work on high speed cornering, and dial in the insulin, but I couldn't have done any better without some variables going my way, such as getting a full nights sleep (Thanks to an Alien [owl?] fight at 230am)

June- Whiteface 50 or 100K  NY
Domnarski farm  NH
Chocorua 25K  NH
Keene-->Monadnock Bike-Run-Bike FKT


Trail Run and Paddle 2X wk

June 12th Ascutney Mountain Run (race Director)
June 26th  Rough Patch Off-road Tri  Paddle/Mt Bike/trail Run triathlon  CT

July- Bear Brook  NH
Queensbury NY race 18m expert


Race Round the Mountain  MA

24hrs GG  NH

12 Hrs Bradbury SP ME
Metallak  NH
VT 50


Bromont Ultra?

MTB Marathon Nat Champs?

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